It's been a rough year for me in the gym, "The Great Workout Slump of 2013". My 2013 has been a domino effect of running off course, breaking my consistency in the gym. Some of it self-inflicted, some of it out of my control. Three months of stress and worry for a sick child and not knowing what was wrong. A horrible bout of whooping cough (I won't even get into my frustration about contracting this horrible communicable disease) that kept me out of the gym for two months and wonky lungs as a little parting gift. Then, the most glorious self-inflicted reason for inconsistency was a summer of play while my hubby was off the ENTIRE summer! Yes, the entire summer crammed packed with family fun. We had fun, but my path of inconsisitency continued on. My hit and miss trips to the gym gave that horrible "starting over" feeling that every CrossFitter knows and dreads. CrossFit workouts hurt and they hurt even worse if you don't go consistently. I wasn't enjoying the gym. I missed the people, but wasn't enjoying the workouts and not being able to breathe thanks to compromised lungs. I was frustrated and needed some solitude. So after 10 years of owning a mountain bike I finally took it out on a trail and instantly fell in love with mountain biking. Once or twice a week I would load up my seemingly ancient bike and hit a quiet, wooded trail. It is like a slice of heaven! I have found I don't like the long uphill grinding trails that kill my lungs and make my legs burst into flames. I do that 4-5 days at the gym. I love the rolling hills that are active biking. Sailing down a hill that doesn't take you half an hour to make it to the bottom at lightening speed and visions of your life flashing before your eyes. I'm not quite brave enough for that. I like rolling hills so I have to shift up and down, get to know my bike, active biking. Climbing on my bike is pure bliss and has got my head back in the game, back to loving my gym time. It has leaned out my body, made my endurance stronger and has given me a quiet outlet when I need some time to myself. But, most importantly it got me back in the gym consistently.
There's a coming home feeling when you find your way back to the gym. You are quickly reminded of what you love and have missed about the gym.
- The clock. The 3-2-1-Go! Checking your time at the end for a quiet victory dance in your head or a battle with your ego to not worry about the time and just be glad you finished without having to be revived or dragged out of the way of fellow CFF athletes.
- Friends. Likeminded people that get a sick and twisted enjoyment out of being pushed to their limits that result in 2 hour naps immediately following a workout or limbs that shake for hours following a grueling workout, brunch with my tribe, impromptu coffee dates, cheers and encouragement during that sucky part of the workout...friends that know the pain and thrill you get out of a WOD.
- Our new gym dog, Wallace. Nothing better than a puppy to make days at the gym that much better. :)
- Unexpected PRs. Maybe only on long crazy workouts, but a PR is a PR!
- Coach. Friend, Mentor, Training parter, so many different hats. I've missed time spent working out, learning and catching up. So I've changed my workout time to keep coach company. It's a great thing working out in a quiet gym in between classes.
I found my way home.