Tuesday, February 1, 2011

{it's a day for happy places}

I meant to post this yesterday.  I tried so hard all day yesterday not to hate what is going to happen to my body today.  I am SO hoping that I wake up and think, "Oh, these aren't that bad!"  I desperately want that to happen.  I want good thoughts.  I want positive.  I'm trying so hard so I started thinking of my "happy places".  So, quick everybody comment on here or on this link on Facebook.  What is your "happy place"?  Mine is a hot latte, taking a drive in my car with the sunroof open.  My favorite little town within driving distance, Wallace, ID.  A quiet house when I can sit and sew uninterrupted with Coffeehouse playing on Sirius radio.  A great catch up chat with a friend.  Traveling by myself.  My kids playing and laughing together.  My head on my husband's chest.  The smell of my dad's aspen lined driveway early on a Spring or Summer morning or after a rain.  These are just a few.

So, what is yours?  Share your "happy place"!  Today is a day for "happy places"!


  1. A bubble bath. Reading a good book, anywhere. Climbing into my bed at night (I love my bed). My library. Watching my favorite show on TV. Going to a movie!!
    (you are in my prayers).

  2. My happy place is floating on my float chair on glen lake with a hornsby in my cup holder!!!! :) Keep thinking of your happy place Trina!!! My thoughts and prayers will be with you all day!! HUGS!!!!

  3. I have three of them:
    my happy place is in my kitchen baking anything with my daughters.
    my happy place is after everyone else has gone to bed and I'm up late decorating a cake in some creative challenging way.
    being completely absorbed in a really good movie.

  4. What a beautiful post and a great conversations starter. =) My happy place is with my kids. Simple. I never feel centered unless they're with me. She smile my son can't hide when he catches me staring at him; my daughter squeezing me as hard as she can. It's all wonderful to me. I have a close second but I'll keep that one to myself... although it's 100% clean, promise. Stay strong. You're not alone!

  5. Going “home” for the weekend. Sleeping in with my baby boy snuggled in next to me. Laying on the beach in Maui. Trying to make the stairclimber at the Y a happy place but not quite there yet!

  6. anytime I'm driving, the sun is shining and a good song is on the radio - that is my all-time happy place since I was a teen-ager and still is today. :)

  7. A good book, waking up on a Saturday after I forgot to turn the alarm off for school, 60 degree Spring days when all you want to do is be outside and of course, like Lorri, singing my favorite songs while driving. Love you friend.

  8. Wanted to add shooting my Canon (camera) by myself in a creative spot in my head. Love that.

  9. Eureka, MT which is where we will be leaving Dahlonega, Ga to come live this spring or summer. We look forward to meeting you someday.
    Chanda & Darryl

  10. My happy place is at Big Stone Lake laying on the doc in the summer time. Or that place just south of Milbank when you come up over the hill and see the whole valley. Lake Farley at sunset. Meet you in the happy places!

  11. My happy place is anywhere I am at the moment because I am just happy to be alive. I almost did't make it a couple of times. Gordon makes me happy. I am also happy your surgury is over and that you have done so well. Grandma keeps us posted. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily dear Trina. Love You, Pat S
